About MEM > Announcements
Photo Hosting on Coppermine
We are aware of an issue impacting some of our threads that use Coppermine to host pictures.
For some reason our photos have been using both Listerengine.com and Lister-engine.com addresses when linking to the server. The Listerengine.com domain name no longer works, so if your photo uses it you will find that they are currently not showing in the threads. Do not worry your photos they are safe! It is just an internet mapping problem :)
If you want to correct this in the short term then you can change the URL to Lister-engine.com rather than Listerengine.com.
Ade is looking for a longer term solution that will remove our dependence on a third party paying their domain name subscription and we can use the MEM domain name. I am hoping Ade will also find an automatic way of updating all the links as updating them manually is an awful job
Hopefully Ade will be able to sort this out for us in the next couple of days.
Update: The ListerEngine domain has been fixed, so photos in Coppermine should be working again.
However, I *hate* Coppermine with a passion (it was pretty much the only free gallery when I last looked, though); so I'm going to spend some time, hopefully this weekend (baby permitting), trying to find a better option. Then comes the hard part: Migrating the photos AND the links....! I may just archive Coppermine if I find a new better gallery & leave it as a read-only resource in the future.
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