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Thanks for the rapid reply. You have confirmed my suspicions My current project is the 2" x 2" Clarkson so even worse! Terry
you said you have connected up while i would think it is to small for that engine to do much try running it now you have it connected and see what it does. John
Your 1" x 2" (double acting ?) engine running at 100 rpm needs 2.5 litre of steam per minute, and with 2 bar at the pressure gauge, this corresponds to about 4 g of water per minute, so you can easily see the allowed running time...If the burner can generate this amount of steam, there is no reason why a posh demo is not possible...nothing can compare to a steam engine running on steam! But you have to warm up the engine with an hot air gun at the start to reduce condensing, as the warming up with the steam alone will last for ages and use all the available steam !
But you have to warm up the engine with an hot air gun at the start to reduce condensing, as the warming up with the steam alone will last for ages and use all the available steam !
here is an engine similar in size to yours, ( 3/4" x 2 1/4"); the pot boiler is a copper tube 1.5" dia and 4" long...heated by an alcohol burner with 3 wicks. wheather was cold in my garage, hence the steam everywhere!https://photos.app.goo.gl/qJ4x6SK8JqAM6ecu8