The Showcase > Engines

Duplex boiler feed pump

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I bought a coal fired steam plant last week that included this boiler feed pump. It appears to be scratch built with great skill and it works perfectly.

Is it an original or can anyone identify the design?

 IMG_3364 (2) by Andy, on Flickr

IMG_3363 (2) by Andy, on Flickr

IMG_3367 (2) by Andy, on Flickr

IMG_3365 (2) by Andy, on Flickr

IMG_3368 (2) by Andy, on Flickr

Here's a YouTube video of the pump in action,

The same video on Flickr
Duplex feed pump 2 by Andy, on Flickr


Dave Otto:
I can't offer any help but it sure works nice!


Cheers Dave, I have run the steam plant for a few hours and the pump is fascinating.
 The previous owner inherited the plant several years ago and hadn’t used it. He didn’t know the history of the plant or who the builder  ‘H Forrester 1987’ was so I’m unlikely to to unearth any information thirty four years on.


Hello Andy

I'm running on memory here so may be wrong but I believe your pump was designed and described by a Mr Austin-Walton years ago in Model Engineer magazine as part of his "Twin sisters" series of articles.

Hope this might be of help.

Best wishes

Thanks very much for that John well done. 

Using Google I have found these plans sold by Sarik Hobbies, I feel certain they are for the pump I have.

The narrative states,

“ Loco Feed Water Pump (Plan) £13.00
Designed by J L Austin-Walton this plan is for building a twin cylinder, double acting steam pump for 1:12 scale steam locomotive.”



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