Help! > Mistakes, muckups, and dangerous behaviour

Did I realy do that?

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That was a  :censored:

If such horrors happen I use a piece of Sellotape over the top and when it is almost dry use a razor blade to trim it level with the bed  ;)


Thanks Jo,

Sellotape and a heavy weight attached as per your instructions.  :embarassed:

I will have to use a brand new Stanley knife (box cutter) blade as my three blade Gillette razor blades wont 'cut it', as they say.


The downside to teaching yourself G-codes on a brand new, $30K CNC Bridgeport is the 1/4 inch hole neatly, if noisily, drilled into the the shiny new table. And having to re-tram the head after calming down (at least it was bought with someone else's money).

Craig DeShong:

--- Quote from: Vixen on May 31, 2021, 10:46:59 AM ---As the title says: Did I realy do that?      :lolb: :lolb:

Then, did I realy try to drill a hole with it?

Concentrate lad          :hammerbash: :hammerbash:


--- End quote ---

Heck, I’d just write this off as not being able to see that well anymore.


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