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The Esbit 4g tablets measure 1/2" X 1/4" X 1-5/16"I've also got some Mamod brand tablets that measure 7/8" DIA X 13/32" thick.Give or take. This measurement was steel rule based. I didn't feel like breaking out my micrometer for this. These are the only tablets I have on hand.
Quote from: propforward on April 17, 2021, 05:37:44 PMThe Esbit 4g tablets measure 1/2" X 1/4" X 1-5/16"I've also got some Mamod brand tablets that measure 7/8" DIA X 13/32" thick.Give or take. This measurement was steel rule based. I didn't feel like breaking out my micrometer for this. These are the only tablets I have on hand. Aw nuts Stuart. I should have mentioned I need the METRIC version of the tablets. I'm designing it all in metric...waaaay to far ahead in my design to start over for the "imperial" size tablets. jOhN (Thanks Stuart !)
I have some labelled Outback Solid Fuel Tablets. About 22 mm dia by 13 mm high cylinders, though I often sit them on edge to burn. Close enough to the same size as Stewart’s. You can also break up the rectangular ones sold as firefighters.MJM460
You’re right, but they are great for getting the back yard charcoal bar-b-que going, or the living room fireplace, saves cutting kindling. Not bad for the campfire either, particularly if it’s been a bit wet. And a lot safer than a bit of kerosene, we used to use in scouting days!MJM460
There are no metric vs imperial versions of the tablets. Stuart just used an inch ruler on his. Easy conversion to mm.
Is there such a thing as too much time in the shoppe?
You sooky la la when I was in the scouts we used petrol....guaranteed to lit wet logs and sleeping bags.